As an Integrative Mind-Body Practitioner certified in Brainspotting, Hakomi and Tension Releasing Exercises (TRE), I provide the most effective, evidence-based solutions I’ve found to:
•Resolve core issues deeply, quickly, and effectively.
•Increase awareness, resilience, and equanimity (mental, emotional, physical, relational, and spiritual)
•Become fully present and actualize your full potential
I enthusiastically share empowering tools to liberate you from whatever gets in your way so that you can be your best self and live the life you choose.
Whether working one-on-one or with a group, I share practices that shift clients from distress to well-being. I am deeply committed to helping clients rewire old habitual reactive patterns and outdated behaviors, beliefs, and conditioning into positive new pathways.
Here are some of the best practices I’ve discovered for harnessing the power of self-directed neuroplasticity to create real, lasting positive change:
•Brainspotting (What is Brainspotting?) is a peak performance method that accesses eye gaze to integrate difficult experiences and expand positive states. Described by founder David Grand as, “A physiological process with psychological effects,” Brainspotting provides a direct portal to the deep brain where profound change is possible.
•TRE Tension Releasing Exercises (What is TRE?) is a simple yet innovative series of exercises that assist the body to release deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. TRE is a powerful self-care tool for restoring homeostasis and maintaining nervous system health.
•Hakomi (What is Hakomi?) is a mindful-based self-discovery process that facilitates real lasting positive change. By exploring our habits of mind, body and emotions in present time with mindful curiosity, we move from limiting patterns that no longer serve us to a fresh, up-to-date version of ourselves.
•NeurOptimal (What is NeurOptimal?) is a transformative neurofeedback technology that assists clients to access deep meditative states with ease. Direct feedback enables the brain to self-correct from distressed and distracted states into calm, focused, and high performance states. As “states become traits,” brain training with NeurOptimal and/or meditation is cumulative.
•Somatic meditation strengthens our capacity to be with whatever arises with clarity and compassion. This ancient and accessible tool drops us into our natural state of being while upgrading the structure and function of the brain and nervous system in significant ways. I share daily practices for accessing the profound benefits of meditation.
•Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful stress relief technique based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.
•Heartmath provides simple, on-the-go biofeedback training to increase HRV (heart rate variability), the best measure of resilience. Regular heart coherence training improves emotional balance, clarity, compassion and confidence.
•Qi Gong uses moving meditation techniques for relieving tension and stress to increase energy, focus, and vitality while cultivating health, happiness, and peace of mind.
•Breathing practices provide mental, physical, and emotional balance for whole-person health and wellbeing.
I work with a wide variety of individuals and groups from many walks of life. In my experience, everyone can learn to thrive more deeply and relate more peacefully to whatever life brings. I look forward to working with anyone ready to overcome the obstacles to a freer, more meaningful and satisfying experience of life.
To learn more Call 530-261-1892
Disclaimer: Focused mindfulness practices are an excellent adjunct, not a replacement for care by a licensed medical or mental health provider.